Thursday, November 15, 2007

if you're happy and you know it...clean up your kids puke!

Tuesday started off like any other day. You know...I go in...teach some tards a handstand. Then my parent child class rolls around. These kids are 19 months to 2 1/2, (which means my life sucks). This particular tuesday I got the honor of being puked on! I have to hand it to the little guy for an impressive display. He managed to puke RIGHT in the middle of the whole room...could not have been more centrally located...very impressive.

You know, you would think the parent of the child would take him home after he puked on himself and the teacher...but nope, he stayed for more! To make it better, all the other dumbass kids decide to run around the puke while im cleaning it up...and their oh so wonderful parents don't try to get them away from it because god is smiting me.

the best part...the song of the week was "if you're happy and you know it". I was suuuuure happy!!

You know, its funny when I think about it for a minute, but then I realize that I got puked on and I stop laughing.


h2o_Mar said...

wow, I literally laughed out loud on this one. I think its time to start wearing a plastic smock to work :D I can't believe what happened after with the kids running around and the parent letting the kid stay, I guess they figure the kid is all puked out and they should get their money's worth.

Mama said...

Suck it up! I don't mean literally. In my 35 years of teaching I have been puked on. peed on, had a kid jump onto my back and wrench it, anda"Special" kid charge me and slap me as hard as he could and he was bigger than me. All in a days work. Hey I was acused of "promoting gang violence" by playing Little Richard's Itsy Bitsy Spider Rap. Love ya!

Alexis Bennett said...
