Tuesday, November 27, 2007

red means stop

Where I work, the walls are all different colors. Somehow it is supposed to stimulate the kids, but I think if you are over the age of 6 the bright colors just hurt your eyes.

Anyway, there is one wall that is bright red. I have nicknamed it "the crusher", because for some reason kids seem to injur themselves on it daily. You would think seeing a giant red wall would encourage them to stop, but instead it just screams "run into meeeee".

Today, I witnessed a kid get completely taken out by "the crusher". I was teaching my class when one of my kids, Marco, takes off runing. He is looking straight ahead, so I figured he would see the gigantic red wall in front of him. Instead he runs full speed face first into the wall. He immediately falls to the ground as his lip swells up like a baloon.

I would feel bad for the kid, but who doesn't see a bright red 30 foot wall? I am ashamed to say this is not the first time I have seen a kid get taken out by an inanimate object at work, so I can only assume this will not be "the crusher's" last victim.

1 comment:

Alexis Bennett said...

seriously - im dying here at work.